Saturday, July 28, 2012

From God's point of view

Its always nice to be able to shoot from afar. In this case, high above. The missus and I were fortunate enough to be given free passes to a famous Melbourne sky-high attraction, and it surely did not disappoint. After taking like a million bad shots (Among the millions of people - go later in the evening #tip), found that I had some gems after all. So after a bit of normal curve editing and some added on filters, settled on these three. They look like God is playing Sim City, right! (Sim City 2000 - great game, 'nuf said.)



Wednesday, July 25, 2012

God, I miss summer.

A summer-rising life (Princes Bridge, 2011)

Finally gotten around to organising my pictures (still sorting, mind you) and found this gem of a photograph. Totally forgot about it. Like in many of my photographs, there's always things to look at, besides the big picture (all pun intended). I'll just leave you to it :) Let me know what you think! (if any)

Still freezing here in Melbourne. Dammit. I need my sun and cricket! 

Print can be purchased here. For signed copies, email me at

Warmest regards (haha)
