Monday, September 26, 2011

The great City kit.

Am a big football fan. And the teams I will religiously support (although not as hardcore as some) are Malaysia, England, Manchester United and Kuala Lumpur - no matter what. (What was that bit about me not being as hardcore? Haha.). Anyway, was browsing through Facebook and found a page for the Kuala Lumpur Football Association. Imagine my delight when I found out that:

1) KL are in the Malaysia Cup 2011

2) Their kit is available for purchase. (YESSSSSSS!!!!)

(You have to forgive me, I'm overseas and there is not much news you can get online regarding Malaysian football, except the big matches). So here I was calling my mother (bless her), getting her to order the MC2011 kit for me, and when I received it, it certainly did not disappoint. Manufactured by Kika and sold by Kamal Sport, this deep electric blue kit really brought out the essence of KL (hey! We're different, yet stylish. Hahaha)

So, in honour of the team making it thus far in the competition (we haven't lost yet) and to a beautiful kit, here are some shots I took for a personal project of mine. Hope you like them. 

Oh, and Go Hawks. 

(PS - While I took these shots pro bono, it would be great if you could let me know where you use the images. And a word of thanks would be great :p)